
的 Crown Center for Teaching (CCT) is a resource for educators who want to expand and hone their 茶ching toolkits. You will find information throughout this webpage about our Educational Development programming, 包括新教员培训, 师徒联盟计划, 皇冠的对话, 皇冠附属活动, DocuGuides, 教育者学习社区(ELCs), and Scholarly Writing and Re搜索 Groups (SWARGs), 以及额外的融资机会.

皇冠中心办事处 is located on the second floor of 图书馆的资料 across from the Colket Center. 临时办公时间待定. In the meantime, please contact Associate Director Jessica Hunter to schedule an appointment: (719) 352-1586.

2024 - 2025年的编程

Regular Crown Center Programming during the 2024-25 academic year will consist of formal lunches on the second Tuesday of each 块, 下午12:15-1:30在tutt317. Please see the schedule of dates and topics below, along with links to RSVP. An RSVP is strongly suggested to ensure we have enough food for lunch, thank you!

皇冠还将主办Block 打破fasts on the Thursday of fourth week in Cossitt Commons from 8:30am-10:30am: Bagels, 咖啡, 茶, 以及关于……的非正式谈话  刚刚完成或尚未完成.  We’ve made this opportunity available in response to a request for more informal space to converse. Use it as an excuse to catch up with others and/or delay your grading! 不需要回复.

Educator 开发天 will take place on the Friday before the start of Block 5 (January 17, 2025)及毕业典礼前的星期五(5月16日), 2025).  敬请关注更多信息!



由皇冠中心主任Ryan Bañagale主持

作为CC参与2024-25 AAC的一部分&U人工智能研究所, 教育学, 及课程安排, we invite you to a lunch discussion on the evolving landscape of 茶ching and generative AI at our college. 教师 and 工作人员 from the institute 茶m will share 的见解 on current pedagogical strategies and considerations for implementation of AI in the specific context of our CC classrooms. This will also be an open forum to hear your experiences, 的见解, and concerns as we navigate these technologies together on our campus. 点击这里回复.


Hosted by Assistant Dean Marion Hourdequin (Philosophy)

Supportive advising enables students to chart a thoughtful path through CC and beyond, taking advantage of the college’s rich curriculum and co-curricular activities, 以及学习的机会, 实习, 以及本科生研究.  Whether you’re new to advising or a seasoned advisor, please join us for a lunchtime workshop on advising at CC.  我们将简要讨论一下建议的具体细节, then invite colleagues from across campus to share approaches and ideas for effective (and efficient!) advising, leaving plenty of time for questions and broader discussion. Although the focus of this session is on faculty advising, all interested members of our educational community are welcome. 点击这里回复.

第三部分:体验式学习 & 世界的准备

由皇冠中心主任Ryan Bañagale主持 and Director of the 职业中心 Brett Woodard




创意总监主持 & 克里斯·斯坦尼克

Come experience Possibility Books (PB) and have time to adapt the prompts to align with any course. PB materials are provided for each class using this method.  

Possibility Books are a brief daily exercise (~10 minutes at the start of class) in which students are asked to respond to various prompts through mark-making and dialogue. 研究发现,PB可以提高学生的:  

  • 社区意识 
  • 幸福 
  • 创造性思维 
  • 订婚, 
  • 课程内容学习 

 Over 700 students across all disciplines used PB in AY24-25.  Most students surveyed indicated that the daily practice of PB was valuable in 学习 new ways to engage with content beyond traditional reflection and note-taking strategies. 点击这里回复.



Hosted by the Health Professionals Advising Committee

Join a session focused on writing letters of recommendation hosted by the current Health Professions Advising Committee (Jane Byrnes, Eryn墨菲, 萨拉·汉森, 和艾米·科胡特). This session will cover what makes an excellent letter of recommendation, as well as strategies for managing lots of requests, and for gathering the most useful information from the students we write for. While our committee sees a lot of letters focused specifically on medical and dental school applications, we think this session might be useful for both newer letter-writers and seasoned recommenders from all divisions, writing in support of students pursuing a wide range of opportunities. 点击这里回复.

Block 6: 皇冠的对话项目

Hosted by Crown 教师 Fellow Professor Sophia Fenner (Political Science)





任务 & 愿景


CCT动员了学生, 工作人员, and faculty to collectively cultivate a 学习 community that co-creates innovative, 鼓舞人心的, 包容, 公平的教育体验.


的 CCT aims to do the following through its programming and services:

  • To foster curricular innovation through collaborative partnerships between faculty, 工作人员, 和学生.
  • 建立教育意识, 知识, and skills about innovative pedagogies and curriculum development
  • To provide opportunities to learn and implement evidence-based pedagogies to facilitate dynamic, 包容, and equitable educational environments across the institution
  • To support educators in varied institutional roles, 在不同的职业阶段, 并在多个学科领域工作.
  • To promote scholarship across field areas including re搜索 on 茶ching, 学习, 教育发展.
报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/18/2024

